Would you like a preview of the Good Futures Accelerator? Friday, February 28, 2025.

Would you like a preview of the Good Futures Accelerator?
Friday, February 28, 2025, at the Presbytery office, in Overbrook PC Fellowship Hall. The Good Futures Accelerator is a gamified (read FUN), dynamic, and proven course that allows congregations to align money and mission by exploring how to creatively use their buildings and property to further align their mission and build financial resilience. The process aids in discerning how to steward God’s land and properties for community benefit, develop social enterprises as part of your Gospel mission, and diversify economic models for a new era.
Dr. Corey Schlosser-Hall, deputy executive of vision and innovation (PCUSA), will be in town for PIE and has offered to show our churches this new tool. He will offer two presentations on Friday, February 28, in the Fellowship Hall of Overbrook Presbyterian Church. You will be able to see some of the materials and ask questions. Afternoon presentation, Noon to 2 p.m., lunch will be provided. The evening presentation, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., dinner will be provided. You MUST pre-register so we order the right quantity of food. The event is at NO CHARGE to you. Please register by emailing dagmar@psvonline.org and let us know which presentation you plan to attend.