Per Capita

Per Capita is the way we financially support the connectedness of over 10,000 congregations, worshipping communities and mid-councils of the PC (USA).

Per Capita is the means to strengthen the connections of our work and build lasting relationships to help all Presbyterians share God’s love through mission and ministry. Per Capita is “the tie that binds – annual support that unites the entire church in the on-going and essential work of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to be a people of hope – seeking the mind of Christ; working for justice and mercy in the world; and participating in God’s continual reformation of the church. Each year the Presbytery sets an amount for Per Capita to cover the costs of discerning the Spirit’s leading for the future.

Per Capita has been part of our funding history for over 275 years. “Per Capita is an opportunity for all communicant members of the Presbyterian Church through the (Councils) to participate equally, responsibly, and interdependently by sharing the cost of coordination and evaluation of mission; and performing ecclesiastical, legislative, and judicial functions that identify a Reformed Church, while the same time strengthening the sense of community among all Presbyterians.

Per Capita is crucial to the overall health and well-being of the PC (USA), not only because it provides for our ministries, but because it binds presbyteries, synods, and congregations together in one Church.
(J. Herbert Nelson II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly)

History of Per Capita…

Per Capita, which began in 1734, is part of the glue that holds Presbyterians together by supporting various ministries throughout the church. Per Capita is based on a portion of certain salaries and administrative expenses which are part of the operating expenses of the Presbytery, the Synod and General Assembly. Per Capita supports our system of councils that allows ruling elders and teaching elders to discern the mind of Christ, work together for full participation in decision-making which furthers the witness and mission of Jesus Christ in the world. Per capita is a form of stewardship at the presbytery, synod, and General Assembly levels allowing us to use our gifts, talents, and resources to support and promote the ministries and missions of the wider church.

Per Capita in Scioto Valley supports the cost of operating the presbytery office, administrative expenses, legislative and judicial functions, and serving the congregations through committees and commissions.

To fulfill our Per Capita obligations with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) the Presbytery of Scioto Valley funds 100% of the Per Capita owed to General Assembly, even the deficit of what congregations do not submit.

Per Capita…$40 Per Member

The presbytery approved $40 Per Capita for 2024. The 2024 Per Capita is based on the congregations’ reported membership for December 31, 2022.

Scioto Valley Presbytery’s $40 Per Capita for 2024 is made up of:

  • Presbytery of Scioto Valley – $26.95
  • Synod of the Covenant – $ 3.25
  • General Assembly – $ 9.80