
Presbytery of Scioto Valley 4131 N. High St., Suite B, Columbus, OH, United States

Council members meet at the presbytery office. Chair, Steve Watters.

“Tools for Tough Talks” – September 26, 2024. 

Presbytery of Scioto Valley 4131 N. High St., Suite B, Columbus, OH, United States

"Tools for Tough Talks" - September 26, 2024. Disagreements about politics, theology, and other challenging topics are all around us - in our families, our churches, our communities, and our nation. How can we have these difficult conversations in ways that model our Christian faith? The Presbytery office invites you to join us in the Columbus […]

Commissioned Pastors Hybrid Meeting.

Presbytery of Scioto Valley 4131 N. High St., Suite B, Columbus, OH, United States

Commissioned pastors hybrid meeting. Joan Bolinger, chair.

PW Fall Gathering

Covenant Presbyterian Church, Columbus 2070 Ridgecliff Drive, Columbus, OH, United States

Covenant Presbyterian Church, Upper Arlington.