Presbytery of Scioto Valley Stated Meeting, February 18, 2025.
First Presbyterian Church, Grove City 4227 Broadway, Grove City, OH, United StatesPresbytery of Scioto Valley Stated Meeting. First Presbyterian Church, 4227 Broadway, Grove City.
Presbytery of Scioto Valley Stated Meeting. First Presbyterian Church, 4227 Broadway, Grove City.
The Commission on Preparation for Ministry meets monthly at the presbytery office conference room. Elder Susan Dietz, chair. Email:
The Winter Gathering will be via Zoom. More information will be shared in the near future.
In Partnership with the Presbytery of Scioto Valley and the Office of Ministry Engagement & Support Welcomes you to the Future of Faith and Finance workshop. Saturday, February 22, 2025, […]
The Commission on Ministry meets at the presbytery office with hybrid option available. Rev. Todd Tracy, chair. Email:
CJOE will meet at the presbytery office. Elder Tina Johnson, chair.
All the meetings are scheduled for the 4th Wednesday of the month at 1:00 in the Presbytery Conference Room.
March 1, 2025 - PIE (Partners in Education) Event! Visions and Dreams” PIE (Partners in Education) will be Saturday, March 1, 2025, at Covenant Presbyterian Church in Columbus with registration at 9:00 am. The […]
The Commission for Presbytery Operations meets at the presbytery office conference room. Elder Jim Hines, chair. Email:
Nominating Committee - Chair: Rev. Dr. Robert Gustafson Nominate persons to serve in positions requiring election by the presbytery
The Commission on Preparation for Ministry meets monthly at the presbytery office conference room. Elder Susan Dietz, chair. Email:
The Commission on Ministry meets at the presbytery office with hybrid option available. Rev. Todd Tracy, chair. Email: