Event Resource Library DateInfoContent01/12/192019 Clerk of Session Presentations delivered by Jim Wilson at PIETools, methods, and resources for clerks of sessions.01/12/19View File01/27/212021 PIE Clerk of Session Training PowerPoint01/27/21View File01/27/212021 PIE Deacon Training PowerPoint01/27/21View File01/27/212021 PIE Elder Workshop PowerPoint01/27/21View File01/08/222022 PIE Elder Training01/08/22Watch Video01/27/23Church Leadership Training- Jan. 18, 202301/27/23View File01/27/23Generation Alpha01/27/23View File01/27/23Generational Differences Chart01/27/23View File01/27/23Generations in History01/27/23View File01/27/23Move Over Millenials01/27/23View File01/12/19PIE Presentation delivered by Brice WiebeAre We Just Learning to be Nice?01/12/19View File