Revised Schedule for Presbyterian Peacemaker Zoughbi Zoughbi.
The Commission on Justice, Outreach, and Mission (CJOE) will welcome the 2024 Presbyterian...
Older Adult Fall Rally – Let Go & Let God, Letting Go!
Let Go & Let God: Making Space for what is important. Letting Go! Older Adult Fall...
News from your Executive Presbyter, Rev. Kathy Nice.
Dear Friends, Do you remember as a child getting the Sears toy catalog, browsing it for hours,...
This is how we live out our mission
These Core Values represent what is of deep significance to the Presbytery of Scioto Valley. Each of our Core Values is rooted in Scripture, which gives us the spiritual depth and direction to live fully into these values.
View the organizational structure of the Presbytery of Scioto Valley in its corresponding council and commissions. Included is the purpose of each, the make-up of its membership, and any sub-divisions.